Publishing sustainably means having a team of professionals who can make your story look amazing. Having someone you can rely on makes a world of difference. Having one book release without a good edit can mean a drop in sales that can be difficult to recover from.
Developmental edits include in-line edits and an editorial report. It’s the BETA read, the critique, and the first step in your line edit. It’s a very comprehensive edit.
A developmental edit may include:
Narrative and voice, characterization and character arcs, dialogue, hooks, world building, and grammatical nuances.
Brandability, marketability, and sellability
Craft, narrative, and storytelling functions, we focus on plot arc and pacing, character arcs, and subplots.
Address filler words, descriptions, and scenes
Discussing dialogue and giving each character their own voice while adding more dimension to your scenes
Line Edits
Line edits focus on the narrative and sentence structure. We help you tell your story in the most efficient and easily read manner possible.
A line edit will include:
In-line suggestions to rephrase or reword sentences to make your intent clearer.
Address copyright issues if they pop up.
Address dialogue tags, filler words, and other narrative-based issues that can cloud and slow down the story.
Your proofread is the last pass before you go to format and publish, so be sure that your manuscript is as clean as it possibly can be.
A proofread will include:
Looking for typos.
Missing or wrong words.
Missing and incorrect punctuation.
Let me be blunt. If you haven't invested the time and energy to clean your manuscript as much as you can, you are going to have errors even after a team of proofreaders goes through your manuscript. You're the most important person on your team. Use yourself wisely.